This is the best I can do with her, I saw her on my walk to the grocery store today, I'm assuming the real Statue of Liberty is the same, but bigger! I'm just too tired to venture out to do any sites. I was so excited for the day off, but all I did was laundry, grocery shopping and Face Time with my kids. I miss my kids, my home, and my city, I will never take it for granted again!
The work is actually getting easier, it's just LONG days. The patients are getting better and I am continuing to discharge and see improvement. I have learned so much about this virus, and how to treat it....everyone is learning what works, and what doesn't. The sad part is, it could be simpler interventions than ventilators, but so many lives have been lost and that will continue until there are more answers. I haven't kept up with current events, or media because I just haven't had time, but I hear there are protests and people want to open up businesses, ect. I have conflicting thoughts about that. My first is NO, lets just keep doing what were doing until we have more answers, however is this something that we will have to learn to live with, like a new way of life? I don't have the answers or I would be on TV...but I will share some of the locals fears:
1. China invented this to get rid of certain races (hispanics and black people), this came from one of my Italian patients who was found on railroad tracks with a broken leg, and wrist...she has been going to the methadone clinic for 4 months because she's a heroin addict. She felt she was doing us a favor by staying in the hospital and not leaving against medical advise!!! bahahahahaha! She actually made me laugh, she hated the world when I first went in her room, but by the end of the day we were laughing and I respected her and her opinions...didn't agree but thats okay.
2. This is a 5G virus, and were getting through our phones
3. New York is SCARED...rightfully so, they have seen this first hand and we can learn a lot from them, if we listen and pay attention.
Healthcare workers, specifically the nurses I'm working with (travelers) who are taking care of these patients are scared about what will happen when we leave, the infrastructure is BAD and so many of the people in our hospital frankly just don't give a shit, it's pretty unbelievable and that is so disappointing. I was hoping to pass along some education to my students about this pandemic, but so far all I can pass on is what not to do and how to try to maintain integrity, ethics and morals....we can always learn how NOT to be I guess.
Thank you again for all the support, I posted some stuff the other day on Instagram and Facebook and I was overwhelmed and actually a little uncomfortable with all the attention, but at the end of the day it does feel really good to have such great friends and family! I'm not as awesome or deserving of the attention, I mostly an asshole who has inappropriate humor! LOL. Only 5 shifts left and I'll be back on the midwest soil in 1 week! So excited!